Our Canyoning Guides
Canyoning Centre uses competent mountain guides and Canyoning instructors all of who have undergone specialised training to undertake this canyoning activity. Being able to rely on qualified professionals who treat safety with the utmost of importance means you can have fun, relax and enjoy the adventure. Our guides live in the area and regularly frequent the canyons. Their experience makes a difference. We can advise where is the best spot based on the weather and water conditions, with always your safety in mind.
Mountain guide since 2004, National Canyoning Instructor since 2011, National Instructor of Mountain Guides since 2013.
Sito web: www.patrickpoletto.com
Sito web: www.patrickpoletto.com
Patrick Raspo
Mountain Guide since 1996, National Mountain Guide Instructor since 2002, Canyoning Instructor at a national level since 2011
Sito web: www.mountain-guide.it